Hallowed Be Thy Lane

The roaring crowd made no difference to his stolid brain. The cheers were buried deep under the voices of his confounded mind . Those eagle eyes marked their target with vigilance. His pulse beat fast but he knew that there would be no turning back now. He was like a cat in a bag waiting to drown.Ten steps and a click of the trigger were all it would take.The detonation would set everything straight.How many lives would be at stake? He didn't really know nor did he really care .There would be no pain , no agony just pure eternal bliss. As he took his last steps down the hallowed lane , he was confronted with the deluge of memories which he had tried to shy away from.

The countdown began...

Ten , nine, eight.........

He heard it and then he heard it again.A thin familiar cry resonated in his ears.The picture of his ailing daughter flashed past his eyes.Could it be possible? Where was she? Not here...definitely not here of all the places.A cursive glance around the roaring masses mollified his apprehension. His mind was playing tricks with him again.After all he was doing this for her wasn't he? Or was he? Or was it just an excuse to satiate his vengeful soul, which could till date feel the fumes that engulfed his hapless wife?

Seven , six, five.......

It was time to put to rest his wife's beseiged soul. It was time to make his daughter's crying voices disappear. It was time to rid the world of evil. It was......Retribution Day.
With unblinking eyes he gazed at the man who hailed himself as one with the people. That fawning publican with those sycophantic smiles which could put the best in the celluloid business to shame.The epitome of hypocrisy,the paragon of sadism ........the Devil himself. Soon to be.....no more!

Four, three , two.......

They promised him wealth but he wouldn't have any. They promised him power and he would have none of that either.Then they promised him vengeance and the equation was made.Although they called themselves the peace-makers, he knew they were no better than insurgents.But he also knew that they were his only mode of payback.Besides, they had taken it upon themselves to secure his daughter's tomorrow, once the task was done.


He prayed.
A silent prayer for the good of mankind. A silent prayer for the deceased souls. A silent prayer.......for the faith departed.



(The sound of silence)


(Silence prevailed)

Like life itself the detonator betrayed him. It refused to blow.

Bullets pelted his fragile body even as he pulled at the trigger in vain.He fell to the ground with a sickening thud.

As he struggled with the last gasp of air he sensed them again.They were stronger now and getting stronger with every breath of his.That shrill familiar cry tormented his mind.He felt his wife's fumes burn him from inside.Once again he saw that sycophantic face, visibly shaken. Once again he thought what would become of his daughter at the hands of the insurgents. Once again.....He prayed!


bagan said…
Dude how many Le Carre books have u read?
TiTo said…
now that u have told me there is someone like that..will try to get my hands on one soon.

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