A Little Bit of Nothingness in My Mind

P.S.( I am assuming if P.S. is post script then so is it pre script so please bear along):The title should not be hummed the Mambo No. 5 style but should be read straight.

Let Us Pray:
I have been looking through my keyboard for the past one hour and have not yet found the symbol OM anywhere.Do let me know its exact location on the keyboard.Anyways.....the prayer:
Lord please forgive me for I know no what I do....I never had a chance to ever meet You(Oh my god that's not the prayer that's Encore). Once again...
May the Lord make us truly thankful for what we are about to receive .......give us today our holy bread.....and forgive us our trespasses........For thy is the kingdom....the power and glory...forever and ever and ever and ever and Amen!

The Mind Talks(Caution!This mind has a mind of its own):
I sit at the comp. trying to figure what excuse do i have to be sitting here at 2:30 in the morning.I should rather be tucked away in my bed catching whatever valuable little sleep that i get between my busy agendas. What really are these "busy agendas" of mine? None really! Its just that while i graduate as an electrical engineer, it feels good to tell people that i am busy. Gives you that "important effect " if you know what i mean.

I keep wondering on what to write about. Wild thoughts cross my mind. But then neither can i write about everything under the sun and nor do i want to.Couple of days back i thought about writing an article abusing Bush and his abstruse principles only to realize i was running short of expletives. I could probably write about sex and sleaze which obviously wouldn't take much time and energy given the amazing number of spams that i get daily.

I tell myself that I have a writers block! Fact of the matter is you gotta be a writer to have a writer's block.A random puncher of the keyboard(yours truly) ain't really a "writer".Writing isn't that hard really,what is tougher than that is to actually motivate yourself to write freely. An honest picture of your own mind could turn out to be a marvelous romantic or a bestselling script.After all-its all there in the head isn't it?

Its amazing how many things actually cross your mind when you are in the mood to write.Your daily neighboruhood could turn into an action packed arena,overnight.You start noticing things which you would have otherwise have been taken for granted.
You begin to believe in this world.
You begin to believe in beauty around.
You begin to believe in .....yourself!

Whenever i sit staring at my blog space, I wonder as to why I named it"the mind of the confounded man".It is only when i start writing,do i realize how apt this title is.The mind of the regular man ,each day, undergoes a storm of emotions;some of which he can relate to and most which he can not.I try relating to them, but they are elusive.Our mind goes only as far as we think it can go.When we begin to relate to music,characters,anecdotes etc. we actually see a reflection of ourselves.I feel writing gives a sense of direction and focus to the confused mind.
You don't need to write to impress others.
You don't need to write to prove you can write.
Rather you write to expel those inner emotions which bounce about ,like a mass of flubber,all over your brain.
You write to maintain your sanity in this insane world.

I see numerous incidents occurring all around me. I wonder: do i write on the brain draining machines hour that we had today or do i write about Mani Ratnam's Guru? I listen to linkin park and wish i had written those powerful rap lines instead.I listen to A.R.Rehman and learn the actual definition of a genius.I get desperate to write something.I am scared i will lose the flow,the touch, the magic......wait a minute?

What flow?

What touch?


What bloody magic?

You know what the problem with rookie writers(read me) is?

Well firstly, they know that they are rookies.They think that they can get away with anything that they pen down (including articles such as ummmm.....errrr......THIS!)

Secondly, they think that they are gonna make it big in the world of blogging. Riding on beginner's luck probably.

Thirdly,they believe they can plagiarize, seldom read and accounted for material and win quick fame(yeah yeah those Kavya Vishwanathan types).

You could love them, hate them,envy them,chastise them......hell yeah! at times you could take a magnum and snipe them but they would still exist.This ain't because of any fountain of youth which nourishes them but because of you and me.What i am trying to get at is that there is that rookie writer in all of us.Some of us are blind to it, others ignorant of their existence and even others who never believe in that klutz in them.The primary difference between those who shy away from their writer side and those who don't is the presence of "hope".

Hope itself is such an element which could bring even the dead back to life.
It is the basis of our existence.It is the strength of the mind and heart.It is with Hope that we see a new day.It is with Hope look into the starry nights.It is with Hope that we expand relations.It is with Hope that we understand this universe.It is with Hope that we pursue our dreams. It is with Hope that we live our dreams.It is again Hope which we leave behind even as the body disintegrates.
God has blessed man with the power to Hope but sadly more often than not this power stays under utilized.

Wow that para above was definitely not me. Guess got too philosophical.I have been wondering for some time now as to how do i actually end this piece...masterpiece rather(modesty was never among my strengths).
I could probably give it a preachy ending but you all would be bored till death.
I could cut copy and paste V for Vendetta soliloquy but that would be plagiarism right?....Or should I just call it inspiration and get away with it.
I could give it a nonsensical ending(after all that is what it has all been about till now).
But then I realize it is you who is gonna read this so why not let you do the honours and conclude this verbose article.
So there it is. Send in your comments by clicking on the comment icon below and you could win exciting prizes.
First prize gets to have his conclusion printed.
Second prize onwards gets to read what the first prize just wrote.

Remember! There is a Rookie Writer in all of us.Lets all stand up!

Thank You!


Unknown said…
this article deserves a round of applause.. the best thing is u have ended this without an actual ending.. impressive dude!!
as for a suggestions for last para,i always believe in givin others a chance..

carry on man!
Vekram said…
rookie...cookie...bookie...they're all the same to me...crazy shit right?? lol!
btw koushik that was an awesome ending..in case you didnt notice it..which you did it...if tito's a rookie writer, which he's not(claimin to be a rookie so that you could get extra applause...shame on you!)...koushik's a rookie-er critic, which he's not....lol! he's the rookiest critic!!!
crazy shit right???
Vekram said…
and i forgot....sooooper 2AM write up dude!!!!
Anonymous said…
ok.. i think this article is better than catbolism.. reading philosophy in ur blog is the least i expected.. obviusly the best suprise wud be u writing abt a GAL!! ;)

anyway for the last para..
" i can't think of any"

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