To B.E. or Not To B.E.
To B.E., or not To B.E.: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die to ............k! k! k! lets cut this crap out! Flashback Orientation day: Mind in utter chaos. Linguistic inconveniences. Is it too late? Has the bullet left the barrel? Do time machines exist? Brad Pitt shouts in his indomitable style,"Focus! Focus! Focus!" Am I losing it or is that an overdose of David Fincher? Present Day: "Four years of engineering completed!" You share this with a person in solitary confinement for the last thirty years and he does not even flinch. You share this with your pet pooch and he is bored. You share this with that Angelina Jolie's pic in your restroom and...nah! there are better things to share instead. But you share this with that fellow engineer,not from your college or city or state but from some lousy corner of Bi...